On-Site Activities

Hiking/ Nature Trails
Step out the door of your cabin and you are on a preserve of over 1000 acres. While staying at Sylvania, guests have the opportunity to enjoy some of the finest nature and hiking trails on the Upper Delaware River. Miles of marked trails lead you through woodlands, ridge tops and river shoreline. The property is exceptional for those that enjoy bird and wildlife watching, wildflower identification, exercise, photography or simply finding some peace. It is the trails and wildlife habitat at Sylvania that bring customers back year after year. The pictures you are viewing throughout the website are all taken here on the property. View our hiking map by clicking here.

Eagle, Bird and Animal Watching
We are located in the heart of one of the largest bald eagle wintering areas in the Northeast U.S. Ideal time is the winter for viewing eagles that can be seen frequently here at the Tree Farm. Along the river and from mountain top trails we are having frequent eagle sightings. Birdwatchers return regularly in early May before the leaves become completely leafed out for the migratory spring birds and ducks. Avid bird watcher that visit seasonally report lists of birds viewed and state that with the varied and undisturbed habitat it provides some of the best birding in Pennsylvania.